Data & Application Security


Data & Application Security​

Gain visibility and security for your most sensitive data to protect what matters most.

Eliminate siloed tools and processes with platforms that reduce vendor complexity and total cost of ownership.

Operate in the cloud securely and deliver new, trusted digital services for your stakeholders.  


Need end-to-end security for your applications and data to meet compliance requirements?

Protecting the sensitive data that fuels your business requires a great deal more than encryption and backup. Security teams need to know where sensitive data resides, who accesses it, and when abuse occurs to take immediate action.

Organisations are embracing modern cloud-native architectures with increasing complexity that is driving the need for automated protection. Application Security helps stay one step ahead of the cybercriminals.


Benefits of our Cyber Security

Data Security​

  • Security & Innovation alignment
  • Visibility into data activity
  • Deeper security and threat context
  • Unify sensitive data protection

Application Security

  • Unified Platform to protect against
  • DDoS, bot, client-side and supply chain attacks Block with near-zero false positives
  • Respond faster across the enterprise
  • Deploy anywhere

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Most trusted solution with the highest accuracy and effective ruleset that customers do not need to tune. 94% of customers deploy in blocking mode.

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An extension of your security team, whenever you need it but without the cost. 1000’s of sites deployed in less than one day

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Maximise ROI through business capabilities that meet a broad range of customer needs. Get up to a 33% reduction in your total data protection footprint.

See how we can help you secure your data everywhere

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