How will AI impact cyber threats over the next 2 years?

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Jackie Barlow, Data Protection Officer at Xcina Consulting reviews the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on cyber operations for business below:

What happened

• The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) has produced a report on how AI will impact cyber operations and cyber threats over the next 2 years

• A global ransomware threat is expected to rise due to AI

• It is very likely that the volume and impact of cyber attacks will increase

• If the barrier of entry to novice cyber criminals, hackers and hacktivists is lowered, AI will allow relatively unskilled threat actors to carry out more effective access and information gathering operations

• Enhanced access combined with the improved targeting of victims afforded by AI, will contribute to the global ransomware threat in the next 2 years

• The government has invested £2.6bn within its Cyber Security Strategy to improve the UK’s resilience

• In November 2023, the Bletchley Declaration signalled a global effort to manage the risks of AI and to ensure its safe and responsible development

Why it matters

• The NCSC is urging organisations and individuals to implement protective measures early when planning to use AI

• Where personal data is involved in a new AI project, a data protection impact assessment must be completed as a first step

• AI is already being used in malicious cyber activity and will almost certainly be responsible for an increase in the volume and impact of cyber attacks including ransomware in the near term

• Ransomware continues to be the most acute cyber threat facing UK organisations

The full NCSC article can be seen at
Global ransomware threat expected to rise with AI, NCSC warns – NCSC.GOV.UK

Further information on the Bletchley Declaration can be found at The Bletchley Declaration by Countries Attending the AI Safety Summit, 1-2 November 2023 – GOV.UK (

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