Brand Protection

Brand Protection

Enterprise-grade domain intelligence to prevent, mitigate and investigate attacks.

One in six products sold today are counterfeit, and each month over 150 brands are hijacked in phishing attacks. All included, online brand fraud costs companies over $1 trillion worldwide annually.
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Detect and investigate detected threats three days earlier on average

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More malicious domains detected

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Reduce performance cost by 79%


Protecting your business visibility on the Internet is paramount

Understanding and identifying risk

How does your business defend your brand and reputation online?

How to safeguard against public data breaches, consumer-based attacks, phishing, business email compromise and other threats

Leverage Internet Intelligence to defend your brand

Capture key data on new domains, risk-scoring them within minutes of registration, and alerting on future changes, and enabling effective enforcement.

Rapid Discovery of Infringing Domains

Coninuous Monitoring of Evolving Intrastructure

Enforcement Actions for Dangerous Domains

Gain Situational Awareness

Get the data and insight you need to understand what’s happening on the Internet that may pose a risk to your business

Defend against future attacks

Near-real-time visibility gives you the upper hand in seeing attacker infrastructure as it’s built before attacks are launched 

Fight Back

Predictive risk scoring, with full-Internet context, lets you know which threats are critical and how to stop them in their tracks

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