Network Threat Detection & Response

Lacking visibility on your network?

Protect your business visibility online

Unparalleled security visibility to accurately identify vulnerabilities and threats with Omnis Cyber Intelligence, an advanced Network Security Platform.

The Global cost of data breaches is on the rise. The average cost of a breach in the UK is £3.4m

It takes time to identify and contain breaches. It can take up to 200 days

Advanced Network Security Platform

Mind Security

Stay Compliant

Continuous network monitoring, reporting, long-term retention of network metadata and packets, and detection of unauthorised network activity or zero trust policy violations enable you to meet compliance requirements.

Real-Time Threat Detection

Multi-dimensional, real-time threat detection provides actionable insights into network traffic, user behavior, and threat patterns, enabling you to strengthen your overall security posture.

Enhanced Incident Response

Empowers incident response teams with real-time and historical data, enabling them to quickly investigate, analyse, and respond to security events, minimizing their impact.

Comprehensive Packet-level Visibility​

Gain complete visibility into your network security, whether it's in on-premises, virtual, or hybrid cloud environments, ensuring no blind spots in your security monitoring.

Get visibility today book a demo

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