Prevention from Ransomware


AI-Driven Prevention from Ransomware

Data informs decision making, unlocks solutions, improves operations and empowers innovation. Protecting data is essential to future-proof your business and safeguard your customers. It takes just one malicious file to get breached.

Our solutions

Meet the
attacker earlier

With a prevention first approach, prevent malware from entering your organisations by blocking malicious code from being written to disk. We use innovative AI-driven capability to protect your data and alleviate the burden on your SOC team providing your business an improved return on investment.

The Prevention Platform benefits your business by improving speed, scale and efficacy.

Provides protection against ransomware, unknown, and zero-day threats

Extremely lightweight agent

False positive rate <0.1%

Eliminates frequent cloud checks and agent updates

Maps to the MITRE ATT&CK framework for faster investigations

Improves compliance standards for GDPR, PCI, and CCPA

Increases analyst productivity and efficiency to fight threats

Lowers TCO and increases ROI of your entire security stack

Provides extensive support across Windows, macOS, Android, and Linux

Prevention for Storage

The consolidation of information from various endpoints into data repositories has transformed them into major attack vectors, providing a one-stop-shop for attackers. Safeguarding these storage repositories—whether they are in Network Attached Storage (NAS), hybrid, or public cloud environments—against increasingly sophisticated cyber threats is paramount. It only takes one infected file to put your data at risk.

Prevention for Applications

Ransomware, unknown malware, and other malicious files are successfully infiltrating your environment, not only on the endpoint, but through files uploaded to your applications by customers, employees, and third parties. Organizations must look for new ways to stop the attack before it reaches your storage, executes, or spreads to other systems. 

Prevention for Endpoint

Deep Instinct’s predictive prevention approach to cybersecurity improves effectiveness and efficiency to reduce risk and lower TCO. With a uniquely architected deep-learning solution for cybersecurity, we prevent >99% of unknown threats, like zero-day exploits and ransomware, before they execute inside your environment.

Did you know?

Ransomware attacks increased by more than 70% in 2023.

Brookcourt’s Threat Intelligence Cloud Platform provides the critical edge needed to proactively identify, assess, and mitigate risks across cyber, supply chain, physical, and fraud domains. Our platform delivers real-time, actionable intelligence, empowering security teams to make informed decisions and protect their organisation from devastating attacks.

< 0 ms

Prevents known, unknown and zero-day threats prior to execution

> 0 %

Unknown Threat Accuracy

< 0 %

False Positives

Meet DIANNA and discover more about Prevention today

DIANNA is the only prevention-first generative AI cyber companion for malware analysis.

Get actionable, intuitive insights and explainability into unknown and never-before-seen threats.

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